Monday, February 16, 2009

....and boy are my arms tired.

Ok, so I'm not blogging every day. There you have it. It's out in the open. Are you happy now? So here's what I did last week, in addition to the normal things like work, housekeeping, etc.

Tuesday: Drove from Portland to Seattle, with snow almost all the way, to pick up my son and his wife who flew in from Jersey, then drove back.

Thursday: Stayed up till 2:30 visiting with the kids and their friends, who, by the way, know many drinking games.

Friday: Spent time visiting with a friend of the kids, and her kid, instead of going to a hockey game like I wanted!

Saturday: Got the car ready for the kids to drive back across the country while my wife (who is going with them) slept. (She works nights) Bought a new digital camera for her to take on the trip, since she doesn't have one of her own.

Sunday: Showed the kids how to put chains on the car, in case they run into snow. Had a big family get together at G'ma's, then sent the kids and wife on their 3,050 mile trek.

Monday: Found out I have to work in Seattle for a few days this week, so am scrambling to get packed, get the house ready, etc. The kids are in Cheyenne, WY and had a flat tire. Found out our AAA membership expired in mid-december.

Whew! Makes me tired all over again!

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