Wednesday, March 18, 2009


March 9, 2009.

This is Sam. Sam is a Flat-coated Retriever. Sort of a cross between a black lab and a Golden Retriever. Sam, like many humans, turned prematurely grey. I have better pics of him, but they are on my other computer. He started turning grey around the muzzle and eyes at about 5 years. About six weeks ago, he began losing weight. A lot of weight. Then he wouldn't eat. Then we found some things he would eat. Like soup, leftover pasta, eggs. One of his favorite things is to go for a ride in the car.

This morning, Sam took his last ride in the car. You see, Sam passed away last night, peacefully at home, with his family by his side. Sam had cancer. He was 12.

Sam had a gruff exterior, but he was a big softie at heart. He was a good cuddler. He liked to go for walks. He was grumpy sometimes, but he got over it quickly. To me, he was kind of a "plain" looking dog, nothing fancy. Black with a little grey. But anywhere we went with Sam, people always commented on how beautiful he was. I'll never forget the older man at Home Depot (Sam loved to go inside Home Depot) that went out of his way to come up and speak to Sam, and tell him what a beautiful dog he was. He asked a bunch of questions and petted him. He wanted to know how old he was and what breed. He was a very nice man and was completely enamered with Sam. Of course, Sam ate it up. He wasn't always well behaved, but when he entered Home Depot, he sort of knew he was on display, and was on his best behavior. Once, when we had to have a lengthy discussion at one of the service desks, he simply sat next to us, put his head down and watched the people go by.

We have six other dogs, in various sizes and shapes and ages. With all those dogs, and with Sam being a little bit quiet and reclusive, he didn't always get the attention he deserved. But he compensated for this by hanging out in our downstairs bathroom. That way, he always had the undivided attention of whoever happened to have to "go." We called him the "potty dog." Some of our friends even got used to having him stay in there with them when they did their business!

You would think that having one less dog in a 7-dog house wouldn't make much of a difference. But we notice it. It seems like we have a lot fewer dogs. There's definitely an emptyness in the air.

Don't worry, Sam. Grandpa will be there to greet you when you get to the other side, just as you will be there to greet each of us when the time comes.

We miss you, Sam.

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