Monday, March 21, 2011

The Madness of the Madness of March

Why is it that I only come around to add new entries to this blog during March Madness?!? Weird coincidence? Some kind of strange karma? I dunno. Can't explain it.

Did someone mention March Madness? (Should that phrase have a little trademark symbol next to it?) How about some of those games, huh? There's been some great ones so far! Some nail-biters. Some supposedly controversial calls by the refs. For the most part though, I think the referees have done a spectacular job with some pretty weird plays. They are under as much pressure as the players and coaches, and I think they do an amazing job. For the most part.

Not as many weird nicknames this year. Lots of bears. Several Wildcats. A couple of Aggies. The Zips - they're always great. There are some strange ones, though. Bison. Terriers. Monarchs. Blackbirds - you gotta love that one. I'll make fun of them a little later.

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