Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am: Resolute

I set up my cell phone e-mail so that I can directly add entries to my blog. This is a blatant attempt at meeting one of my new years resolutions - to blog more. O.K., to just blog. It has been almost a year (again) since my last blogging episode.

Today, I came home from work and my wife was writing a children's book. Not thinking about writing a children's book, not writing down ideas for a children's book, but actually writing a book.

That's where I need to be.

So the blog entries may not be long; they may not make sense; they might not be the best writing. But the idea is just to get in the habit again of writing everyday.

I actually do write a blog everyday. In my head. Usually while I'm in the shower. That sort of makes it difficult to produce it electronically. Maybe with all the advances in technology they can come up with the waterproof laptop and cell phone.

Some blog topics I have already written in my head: (Perhaps these will appear in this blog.)

  • Portland Trailblazer updates/trade rumors / rants / raves / etc.
  • My son's 15 minutes of fame on the local news, and what that exposure resulted in.
  • The loss of another family member (not long after Sam).
  • The phone call every parent dreads.

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